Monday, January 10, 2011

One Quilt, Two Quilt

One Quilt, Two Quilt, Three Quilt, Four?  Oh dear! I hope there isn't a fourth!

I finished my T-shirt quilt and need to post photos of that.  I have cut squares for what I'm calling a rainbow quilt, and here are photos of how that one is coming:

The rainbow quilt was intended to be the quilt I'm making for my brother's graduation in May, but he didn't like the idea/colors, etc.  So here I am working on two quilts at the same time.  My house has been taken over by sewing and Christmas stuff.  Not to mention I worked on the Scrabble pillows while both quilts were just getting started. 

The pattern for my brother's quilt is one he and I made together, and we chose the fabrics together, too.  But that part was mostly him.  Once I started cutting and sewing, though, I made an executive decision that one fabric clashed terribly.  It's a hard pattern to describe, so I'll post photos during the process and when I'm done so it makes sense. 

In the meantime I would like to post photos of projects I've completed (mostly knitting, but maybe a couple other quilts), and keep this blog more up-to-date.  Also, I need to keep my main blog updated as well, so we'll see how all this goes. 

Here is a photo of the littlest squares for my brother's quilt: 

From here the squares get bigger and bigger and the tiny red squares will form a diagonal line down the center of the quilt.  I'm afraid my sewing isn't up to par for this thing.  I think some of the little squares are turning into rectangles and it's going to bother my brother. 

In my defense, these two fabrics are not cooperative.  Hard to cut and equally hard to sew.  They are tiny squares that fray easily.  I'm just glad I planned for 1/2 inch seams.

I know the quilt will be beautiful; I hope it's up to my brother's standards. 

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